February 16, 2014

My Love of Shoes turns to Baby Shoes!

I have a shoe obsession!  When I moved out of my parents house at 18 to go to college, I had 152 pairs of shoes!  I know!  Crazy!  And I bought every single pair with my own money.  My parents had said years ago when the obsession with shoes started "Get a part time job we are not buying your shoes or jeans anymore!"  And I did.  They didn't!  Lol!  I don't blame them. 

I still have a problem with shoes.  But it is better.  JD and I have an agreement.  When my shoe closets and totes are getting full, any new pair of shoes means that 2 others have to be donated or thrown away (depending on condition).  Yes I am a member of Just.Fab!  What a great site for a shoe crack addict like myself! 
My shoe choice has changed since having babies though.  I've down graded my quality.  No more Nine West boots at $200 a pop.  Now my shoes range from $24.99 to $49.95.  Okay every now and again an expensive pair will slip in there, but mostly I try to keep my shoe budget a lot lower than it used to be. 
But...now I buy shoes for my girls!  Lots of shoes!  Lola has a ridiculous number of shoes.  Lucy has none!!!  How is this possible you ask.  Well I have such fabulous shoes from Lola that I've never bought any for Lucy.  However, Lucy grew out of the newborn and 0-6 months shoes so fast, she never even got to wear them.  Plus I had these awesome Robeez from Lola that were 6-12 months and looked like Uggs.  BUT....I've lost them!  I have looked everywhere for them to no avail.  So Lucy has no shoes.  And refuses to keep socks on, making me look like a terrible mom taking her baby out all over town with nothing on her feet when it is -22! 
Well I found a woman in my small town through facebook that crochets shoes.  I custom ordered 2 pair last week, and they are ready already!  Look at these awesome shoes!

How great are these?  I am in love.  And since I HAD to go shopping today for Lucy clothes...I decided to buy clothes that will look fabulous with her new shoes!  Of course I saw some great Robeez at the store that I really wanted to buy.  But I've learnt my lesson on having too many pairs of shoes for babies this age.  Just wait 2 months and you'll need a new pair as they grow out of them so fast.  Lol!  I will take some pictures of her in her new outfits and new shoes.  A little Lucy fashion show maybe!?  :)
Much Love!
*My love affair with Nine West started when I was 17 and bought my first pair of ankle high leather boots in California!  I also fell in love with BeBe then!* 
** And I have sworn to myself I will never own another pair of Steve Madden's for the rest of my life!  His shoes are pure torture for your feet! **
Just my shoe review for you...
*** Oh and if you are ever looking for great boots that still look good in the winter (no salt stains, with no treatment for the leather) Always and I mean Always spend the money and buy Harley Davidson!  I've had mine for 5+ years and they still look brand new.  I wear them everyday (in blizzard conditions, through pregnancies etc...), and I just bought JD his first pair and he loves them too! ***

1 comment:

Victoria said...

My dad was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this www.ultimatelifeclinic.com to anyone who needs help.