February 14, 2013

19 Weeks - OB Appointment

First off let me say... Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope you all are surrounded with love today!

So 19 weeks!  Yahoo!  We are close to the half way point.  Well with us, this will probably be the 1/2 way point.  Unfortunately I didn't get all the results from my level II blood work at this appointment.  There was some delay in getting the results.  Little bummed about that.  Even more bummed that I now have to wait a full month for the results as my Dr will not phone them into me.  Oh well!  But if you thought this appointment was going to be uneventful you would be wrong.  Don't you know JD and my luck yet?!?!  Lol!  Turns out I have placenta previa.  Which is pretty common but still something to watch.  I'm under orders not to lift anything too heavy (I hope Lola doesn't fall into this category), no sex, limited time on my feet, no running, or biking, etc... You get the idea.  We will watch and see and hope it moves up.  If not I might be looking at complete bed rest and possibly a c-section.  (I'll get into my thoughts on that a little further down).

In other news though.  I'm feeling generally okay.  I've had a new pregnancy symptom pop up that I did not have before and it is super annoying.  Plugged sinuses.  And the sneezing, oh my lanta the sneezing!  I'm so tired of blowing my nose and crossing my legs to sneeze.  This lovely new symptom can go the F away at any time!  Lol!  Still having headaches too of course.  But everything else is fine.

My weight is okay.  I'm up 9 lbs.  My blood pressure still looks good.  My OB doesn't think all that stuff will start again until after 24 weeks, if it's going to start at all.  I'm still holding out with a positive attitude.  This pregnancy is going to be different.  I've definitely popped out.  I actually went and bought maternity clothes the other day.  I had to my stuff is way too big.  But I was very cost conservative and just did my shopping at Old.Navy as they were having a 40% off sale.  I picked up 2 skirts, 2 pairs of pants and 4 t-shirts.  The pants were $6 each, the skirts $20 and the t-shirts $7.  So not too bad.  I can still wear most of my jeans...most just not the skinny jeans.  But I seem to be a bit uncomfortable in them so I think I'm going to try to go shopping again tomorrow for some nice maternity jeans...we'll see.  

I had to stay home two days this week with Lola as she had a skin irritation on her mouth which resembled impetigo...(super contagious)  I took her to the Dr and got some antibiotic cream that seems to be clearing it up.  I totally disinfected the house, minus the floors as vacuuming is a little tough with her home.  She likes to be held while someone is vacuuming and I just can't do that.  But other than that everyone is good.  

I'll do a separate post on my thoughts about a c-section.  I've got a couple of blog posts saved in drafts that are coming too.  I promise no more blogger silence.  I was down for over a week with a computer virus and I hate blogging on my phone.  

Much Love

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