February 18, 2015

A (Bad) Day in my Life!

Please keep in mind that I am in the middle of mid term hell.  Which means 5 midterm in 4 days, 3 massive assignments and 2 online 'quizzes'.   In other words I'm on about 5 hours of sleep...Oh and Lola is suddenly having night terrors.  (Oh and 1 assignment I had worked on for 12 hours this weekend and was still on question 1 of 4!  Can you say 'coders' block!)

4:50 am - bladder wakes me up.  Alarm is set to go in 15 minutes so I can run.  Still have tension headache, so ditch the alarm and grab 45 minutes of sleep.

5:40 am - shower.

5:45 am - get ready while entertaining Lucy and trying to keep her from waking Lola.

6:15 am - Lola up, get her dressed, hair, and teeth brushed, finish getting myself ready.

6:45 am - pack Lola and Lucy's bag for the sitter.  Breakfast and lunch, plus snacks.  Feed them both 2 yogurts and some graham crackers.  Pack my bag for school, grab a breakfast bar or 2 for my bag, as I don't have the mind power to grab anything much better.

7:00 - 7:30 -  Start the van, clean up the tornado the girls have made, put dinner in the oven with the delay timer on.  And then read the girls 3 books while we wait for the car to warm up.

7:45 - get to the sitter's.  Dropping off the girls I am informed that she will NOT watch the girls on Wed or Thursday (as agreed last week, so I could go to school and study).  (full post about daycare issues coming very soon)

8:00 - 830 - drive to school, crying my eyes out, talking to JD about WTH am I going to do...?  I have so much work to do and can NOT get it done when the girls are up or in my charge.  

8:30 - 9:00 - Skype with my mom, to unleash my stress and anxiety...(at this point my chest hurts, we have had an unusual amount of stress this month)

9:00 - 11:00 - work on my programming assignment.  Break the coder's block and get to question 4!  

11:00 - 2:00 -  write a PHP exam.  35 multiple choice and code 2 dynamic web pages.  (I think I nailed this test!)

2:00 - 3:00 -  back to makers club to work a little longer on coding nightmare assignment.

3:00 - pick the girls up from the sitter.  Lola didn't nap, advised might have tough evening.  Great!

This is where the day really goes to HELL!

3:10 -  leaving the sitters...Van running in the driveway (-40 out).  Van doors won't open?  Hmm..  Carrying Lucy I tell Lola to come with me to the other side of the van so I can see her and I'll try to open the doors from the driver's main button.  Door open, Lucy on my hip, Lola 2 feet to my left.  Van doors will NOT open???  Unlock and Lock the doors, try again...  Van stalls, kicks in to neutral and starts rolling backwards down the driveway with Lucy and I hanging out of it.  Lola screaming bloody murder.  Me running on one leg trying to catch the vehicle...  Van is kicking up speed and heading straight onto the road and across to hit a pick up truck.  FUCK ME!!!!  Can't catch the brake, finally grab the joystick with now emptied free right hand and pop it into park again!  WTF!!!!  

3:11 - 3:15 - hugging and kissing Lola, who is shaking and crying as she thought the van was going to run over mommy and Lucy.

3:15 - 3:20 - drive home talking to the girls in a sing song voice, shaking myself....

3:20 - get home, get everyone inside, lock the door, and tell them both we are not leaving again until daylight!

3:30 - 4:45 - play with the girls, read books, and prep side dishes for dinner.

5:00 - serve dinner for the 3 ladies of the house.  Prep daddies dinner and lunch.

5:45 - 6:00  - do the dishes, clean the kitchen.

6:00 - 6:30 - get everyone in pjs (as Lola didn't sleep we are having an early bedtime)

6:45 -  Daddy is home...time to switch parenting.  

6:48 - hit the pain cave for a run.

7:30 - 4 miles done, time for a bath.  Of course after I get out Wednesday nights dinner and make a grocery list of ingredients I need.  (Wed and Thurs night I have late classes...my girlfriend comes over with her 2 year old and feeds everyone dinner for the hour and a half between JD and I being home, as my sitter refused to watch the girls until 6:30)

8:15 - 10:30 -  finish the coding assignment, submit.

10:30 - 11:00 - watch a little tv (2 Broke Girls), play some clash of clans.

11:00 - 12:00 - lay in bed and stared at the ceiling...  still in shock I made it through this horrible day and got everything accomplished I did!  Try to fall asleep and hope for a smoother day tomorrow!

To anyone who thinks I have it all together or make this look easy... this fill time school, parenting, training for a 1/2, doing all that I do....you would be SO wrong.  Some days I hang on by my fingernails.  Some days I cry most of the day (in private), and some times I can't get my workout in for 5 days (so not good), but I pick myself up and keep plugging on through.  And at the end of the really hard days, I pat myself on the back, because dang it...this is hard!

Here's to today being a better day!  And here's hoping I get done the school work I need to today, even though I'm home parenting instead of at school!  (Sitter really screwed me this week!  Oh and yes I have already paid her for these days!!!)

Much Love!



Jos said...

Oh man, that sounds SO stressful. Not having dependable childcare is horrible when you have so much on your plate. I hope you can find a better solution soon!

Unknown said...

Impressed you squeezed in a run!!

Victoria said...

My dad was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this www.ultimatelifeclinic.com to anyone who needs help.