I don't want to title this running diaries because I'm probably going to share more than just my workouts. So I guess I will title this series Mommy Diaries and I'll try to post every Friday with my week's events.
I made it back to the gym this last week. Not as consistent as I would like, but it's a start. Thank Gosh I have Lola. Lol! She loves going to the gym so she asks me almost every morning "Mommy we go to the gym?" On Tuesday she did this to me when I had zero intentions of going to the gym, and because she asked so sweetly I changed and we went. I just finished week 3 of couch to 10 km. Like I said I'm starting from scratch and I'm taking it slowly. But it feels good every time I go and run. My cardio is crap...doesn't help that I started smoking again after I had Lucy...I know I know...please believe me I know...it's an awful disgusting habit. But it is super hard to break especially when you feel over weight. I've run twice this week so far. I'm not going today as I am working on something else this morning...what you ask? What could be more important than running....? POTTY TRAINING!
That's right! The diapers are off. We are starting potty training. I am taking this slowly as well. We started introducing it to Lola about a month ago. We bought her a Dora potty seat and started putting her on it before bath time...never got a pee pee. Then I bought her panties last week and she was so proud to put them on, and she spent next to an hour sitting on her potty watching a video, but no pee pee. She then peed all over herself at dinner. I didn't make a big deal out of it I just cleaned it up and told her we would try it again soon. So now this morning I have had her in her panties all morning so far, she has yet to pee pee in the potty or on herself. I originally planned to do this over the holidays, but everyone swears it only takes three days, and I've got her home with me for the next three days (no sitter), so I thought well let's give it a try.
Lucy is doing great. Today she ate mushed banana for breakfast. Apparently mushed banana is only good warmed up. Lol! She hates it cold. So she is up to actually eating 3x a day now at 5 months old. We still aren't sleeping all the way through the night, and sleep training on that is coming very soon. I'm just waiting until JD has his 3 days off and then we are doing it. I know it's going to exhaust us and I don't want to do it to him while he's stressed and working.
Today is the last day with our second store. JD is there cleaning out the rest of his stuff this morning and then coming home to us. It is a sad day. 30 years we've owned that location....tear...But hopefully this is the change we need to move onto bigger and better things. And we really need our Daddy back. The amount of hours he was pulling trying to operate these two very demanding stores with no staff was ridiculous!
Okay I think that is my week. Still no pictures as it actually isn't my phone that's not working it's my computer. I can't upload any photos off my new phone to picaso or my hp program. And I swear it takes an hour to load either program on my computer. Oh Dear Santa...do you hear my cries? I need a new lap top! One I don't have to pay for...Lol!
Much Love!
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