At my weigh in this morning I was still sitting at the same weight I had been last week. Argh! So frustrating. Now keep in mind I weigh in at my nutritionists 3x a week. So it makes it pretty easy to stay on top of what is working and what isn't. Plus I keep a daily food journal outlining my intake and portions. Making it really easy to see what is causing stalls in my progress. One thing we noticed today is that my body fat isn't going down as it should be. Ding ding! Light bulbs go off and now I'm making the changes.
One change is that I am going to stop eating prunes for breakfast. I have done this 3-4 times a week for 2+ years. I have some digestive issues and this was one of the only things I have found that has kept me regular. But prunes are good for you, you say! I eat pureed prunes, which are loaded with sugar. So no more of that. Instead I am going to have 1/4 cup of quick oats, and 1 scoop of protein powder with 100 ml of ice cold water and 1 cup of raspberries (small protein smoothie). This should be heavy enough in my stomach that I won't feel like throwing up while running, plus the protein is super important when trying to lose weight and build up muscle.
I'm also going to start taking an enzyme tablet with every meal to help with my digestive issues and the ensuing bloat and pain I get from it. My fingers are crossed this works. Because let me tell you I get kind of bitchy when I haven't gone in 3 days. And I have already tried Metamucil. I lived on it while I was pregnant. And yes I do know about yogurt but because I'm only allowing an intake of 1 serving of dairy a day right now, I choose cheese! I know binding. But what else are you supposed to have on your wrap?! Lol! And I'm only having 1 ounce so that is not the culprit. I think there really is some digestive issues here at play. Not IBS, but something...I have an appointment with a Dr about it in March. Where I will also be booking my first colonoscopy (major family history of bowel cancer).
Now onto the working out. It's not going as awesome as I would like. But what did I expect I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 7 month old. And there is only child mind at my gym for 3 hours in the morning. Of course those 3 hours fall right into Lucy's morning nap. Which makes it very challenging. I did it yesterday. But... I still only got in a 22 minute run. We had mommy and baby aquafit class. So I had to cut my run short. And book it to that class. Oh and I took both girls yesterday. That was fun...NOT! I spent 45 minutes in the change room after class. Lola peed on my towel. So we had one towel for all 3 of us. Nightmare! I ended up using a receiving blanket for my hair and just put my clothes on wet. Awesome! But I managed. And everyone was very happy and had great naps. But now time for the gym. Lola was going to the sitters and I needed to weigh in. And then I had to race home for Lucy's nap, which she woke up from right when child mind hours were over. So it looks like I'm going to bite the bullet tonight and try to go to the gym tonight at 730. Which I hate doing. Because then I'm all jacked from my workout and can't sleep. Argh!!!! JD please buy me a tread mill!!!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!! Then at least I can get my runs in and the gym can be saved for swimming and weights!
I have some hefty goals. So I really need to stay focused and on course. Which means I'm going to have to push myself outside of my comfort zone. which in turn means losing out on chill time and sleep time. If only I could get more sleep. I know that would play a big role in my healthy lifestyle. But alas my daughters (I still can't believe I have daughters) like to wake at 5 am most days. It'll come though. I have faith. I'll keep you all posted on if the eliminating prunes makes any difference. And how my new breakfast is working with the morning workouts.
What's your pre-workout or running food? Please share if you have any. I am always looking for advice to better my days!
Much Love!
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