I can't believe I've done 400 posts! I never thought I would be a blogger or that anyone would even want to read what I had to say...but here I am. And thank you to those that do read and comment. I love you all. I'm not a writer in any sense of the word and I read other blogs and they are poetic in their writing, that is not me! Lol! But I sit down and make a concentrated effort to get my thoughts out there. To stop the swirling in my own mind, and to share in case anyone else is going through similar struggles. And I hope that sometimes you come here and find comfort, answers, or heck even a yummy recipe! Haha!
Speaking of the recipes... I am not a cook by nature. I was raised on meat and potatoes with white fatty gravies that tasted like corn starch. Not great! Not my Mom's fault either as she wasn't taught different. So I am a cook teaching herself and when I post a recipe it is because I find it simple, easy to follow and delicious. I'm not even kidding the last one I posted JD's coworker asks for me to send the left overs to work for him as he thinks it is amazing. Lol! So please feel free to grab and try anything I post. I'm also trying to post some healthier options...Okay maybe the last one wasn't the greatest on the health scale but you gotta have flavor in your life!
And about fitness... I'm getting back to it. I was actually logging on to post a goal for myself. This week I am getting my soft derrier back to the gym. And I will post my workouts when I do along with my food goals. I will try to post pictures of my progress (if I see any). A healthy Mommy is a happy Mommy and my girls deserve the very best of me. So it's time to stop with the excuses and get down to business.
Now about the girls. God I love them. Even when we have days like yesterday when LolaBean goes 600 miles an hour for the entire day. Phew! I couldn't ask for more. Are we done? Right now this a yes, we are done. But ask me again in a year when I have my body back and have a great routine down.
So there you have it. I will keep blogging. I will write about love, life, health and cooking. I hope you find it interesting, funny at times, and comforting.
Much Love!
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