May 12, 2009

Provera Day 1

Thank gosh I am almost done the hormone replacement therapy! This has been a roller coaster!!! My poor husband! I have run hot and cold for the last week. I'm not really sure why, but I think because we are mimicking a cycle that I actually had PMS!! Shocking!! So I took my first provera today and we will see how long it takes for a cycle to start. This weekend is my birthday, so no doubt if anything is going to start it'll start then...that's just been my luck for the last 4 years! Awesome!!!!

I really hope this works! I know the chances aren't great. But I would just love if my body would co-operate or respond properly just for a little while. I've done everything I can. I've changed all of my eating habits, I take all my vitamins, go for acupuncture, drink wheat grass (yuck), and have limited the stress in my day to day activities... I even make sure I exercise everyday!

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