I'm off for the weekend to go visiting family, so I won't be posting this weekend. I wanted to make sure I posted though to wish you all a very Happy Easter. Enjoy your long weekend!
Sorry I've been MIA all week. I have been computer (less) all week. I've got about 3 blog posts saved up including pictures, they are all going to come pouring out next week. Hopefully I'll be able to post next week and these Braxton Hicks will stop! C'mon Lola stay in for at least 6 more weeks! Please!?!?
I owe you all a belly picture and it is coming soon. I am going to post a link to where I got my most favorite maternity t-shirts, it's a local couple that sell these shirts and I met them at the baby show after e-mailing each other for about 2 weeks. They are the softest most wonderful things I put on recently. My belly picture will be me in one of these shirts. I've got my fingers crossed that I can find a nursing bra this week. I am quickly destroying my Victoria.Secret bras with all this leakage. Dang It! More money to spend.
Sorry this post is so scattered but I'm trying to bang this out really quickly so I can get to bed. I'm super tired and I've been having BH's all day. So I need to get vertical! Happy Easter again everyone!
Much Love!
I am experiencing cramps/BH's now too. Had some last night at 3AM. So annoying and nervewracking at same time. Have a great Easter as well.
Sounds like things are going well. So sorry for the BH contractions; I ended up in L&D a few times so that they could monitor me. Yucky and scary.
On another note, I knew you said you were going to have belly pics soon and I was sooooooo hoping from the title of your post that you were going to paint your belly like an Easter egg for us!! XD
I guess I'll have to wait for the pics with the lovely maternity shirts. Happy Easter to you, JD and Lola :)
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